LVE manager not starting after Cloudlinux and plugin installation

I just installed Cloudlinux and the CL plugin and stumbled over a problem, where the LVE manager would not start. The error log showed “Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /home/interworx/html/plugins/cloudlinux/assets”. The symlink at /usr/local/interworx/html/plugins/cloudlinux was owned by root. I changed that to iworx as owner and now it is running fine.

[root@base01 ~]# cd /usr/local/interworx/html/plugins/cloudlinux
[root@base01 cloudlinux]# chown -h iworx assets

I’ll leave that here so others may find it.


All that was needed is to run the permsfix tool:


This is a known issue that should have been resolved in 7.13.2, though we did see it on one other server recently. That was an Alma8 server, though. What version of InterWorx are you running and on what OS?


Hi Jenna,

I completely missed your reply. This server also ran Alma8 and IW 7.13.4 (might have been 7.13.2 or .3 two weeks ago).
