Mass Import accounts with secondary domains and SSL won't import

When mass importing a SiteWorx with a secondary domain it fails every time due to SSL / dedicated IP issue.

Loaded DNS record : zone:, MX 0, Loading Mailman Failed, Loaded SSL certificate :, , You need a dedicated IP to implement SSL pool

I’ve added IPv6 to the domains thinking that would help, with a single shared IPv4, but still fails with the above. Any workarounds for this besides deleting the secondary domain?


Is that website on a dedicated IP on the Source server? Also, how old is the domain? SSLs have not required dedicated IPs in over a decade.


The site in question was added to the source server in 2018 and is on a shared IPv4 address. Both the main and secondary have SSL attached and work fine. I added dedicated IPv6 addresses to the account hoping that would trick the importer into allowing it, but didn’t help.


That is not an issue that is common or that I’ve seen before. Please submit a ticket with exact steps as to how I can reproduce.


Thanks Jenna, created ticket.

For anyone that possibly runs into this issue, which seems like maybe something unique going on with my server, but just in case it helps someone else…

The Mass Import in my case did not want to pull IPv6 from the pool.
Simple fix was just doing the import selecting No IPv6 Pool.
After the import finishes you can go into the account and add the IPv6.