Max File Upload Size

Banging my head against the wall and wasted so much time on this. My default php install was set to 2M max upload size. I’m running suPhp so I tried overriding it with a php.ini in web root, in web root/etc/, no go. I then edited the nodeworx system php.ini and now when I view the php info from the server it shows the php upload_max_filesize 128M, Yeah!! Not so fast logged into wp media and tried uploading only to see max upload size 10M. I checked all the wp-config.php and any other php.ini no luck. Because Im using suphp I can’t change max file upload slze using htaccess. I’m stuck.

I run multiple cpannel boxes, and dozens of wp sites/moodle sites no problem. This server with interworx is sitting until I can fix it or reimage with cpannel. I really want to make this work so any help would be appreciated!

Hi simchippy

There’s 2 vies you need to set, upload max size and post max size.

Both of these need setting in the main php.ini you use, which you can also set in IW php.ini if you wanted too but not needed.

Restart apache and you should be good to go.

The exact php.ini you change depends on which you have installed, or can be found by looking at info.php from web server in nodeworx.

We have our values set at 2GB, and it is frequently uploading files larger then 1GB.

I hope that helps

Many thanks


Following the documentation and multiple thread I had already tried all of your recommendations as well as restarting the webserver each time without any luck. After trying everything two and three times I deleted the account, setup a new one and reinstall the account and wp. Once I did this the site immediately recognized the 128M I edited into the apache php.ini.

Is there some kind of cache that needs to be flushed, beside the Apache restart?

Hi simchippy

Not that I’m aware off, but could be if plugins for WP are installed I suppose.

I’m glad you’ve got it resolved though

Many thanks
