Missing SPF record?

When using a DNS Report tool at this site: http://www.dnsreport.com/

I get a few “FAIL” and many “WARNINGS”, one being the following on ALL my sites created via Interworx:

“SPF record”

“Your domain does not have an SPF record. This means that spammers can easily send out E-mail that looks like it came from your domain, which can make your domain look bad (if the recipient thinks you really sent it), and can cost you money (when people complain to you, rather than the spammer). You may want to add an SPF record ASAP, as 01 Oct 2004 was the target date for domains to have SPF records in place (Hotmail, for example, started checking SPF records on 01 Oct 2004).”

Here’s a tool that can create an SPF record (text) http://spf.pobox.com/

Is this something Interworx will support, maybe as an option?

Hotmail, for example, started checking SPF records on 01 Oct 2004

year 2007…not 100% and automatic suported form iworx…

Whats up boys : )

Support this please !! and automatic way ! : )

No cpanel directly supports SPF records right now.

There is a free tool to generate them, and add them to a zone easily.

The problem with SPF records is they are only VERY RECENTLY RFC required, and in reality they are only a minor prevention against spam because hotmail (and other free webmail providers) have a tendency to mark anything with “custom” DNS servers running as spam. If there is anything out of place in your MX entries and mailservers, they’ll still mark you as spam, even with the SPF records. This is more because they have become VERY strict in spam fighting, as they have lost a significant number of customers due to the massive number of advertisements they created themselves and started sending their users, and then couldnt stop :wink:

They do work though… and I do recommend putting them in.

To generate a line easily for your own domains, you can use the tool at http://www.openspf.org/

As for adding them to iworx… if I get an answer of how to modify the DNS template I can possibly fix that issue for all future accounts you have… but going backwards manual adding will be almost the only way to go.

On a side note… most domains dont adopt spf at all :wink:

I know how genearte spf, i just need iworx support automatically, i have all my system automatized, and its a big problem if iworx not create spf records in automatic way.
Just want some way, to update all already created sites in all my iworx servers, and any new site just automatic create spfr records.

I apreciate if iworx guys make public some way to change the default zone templates for add thsi spf records.

DNS templates will be available in the upcoming version 3.0, and which point this will be easy. Unforunately in the current release the “template” is hard coded. For now you’re stuck doing it manually. Hang in there :slight_smile:


ahh, the elusive 3.0