Looking for a recommendation to move a 10gb site from a cpanel server to IW server without down time on old site. I tried the following:
I backed up the site in cpanel and downloaded it. Then tried to upload with import feature in Nodeworx - file size to big I upped the file size limit in php but seems only to change upload size at siteworx account level. Could be wrong but keep getting files size to large error.
I tried to get the two sights connected with mass import but having connection issues maybe due to pub keys.
Trying to Ftp up is having own issues. Set up new siteworx account but because dns is still pointing to the old server not sure how to ftp into the siteworx ftp with dns? I know how to get to the site itself http://IP Address/~unix name, but how do I ftp in without dns setup?
you can FTP using the IP address of server, but using siteworx credentials, i.e. ftp.ip.add.re.ss.
If you want to adjust the PHP file size upload, I believe it needs changing in 2 places, max file size and another, which I’m struggling to remember, but will post when it comes to me sorry, in php.ini, and to be sure, I would restart httpd as well.
Thanks John, that is exactly what what it did “upload_max_filesize = 10000M and post_max_size = 10000M” and restarted apache. Will try again.
As far as ftp I tried the ftp.ip address but Im using a shared ip without the dns (its still pointing to the old account. So how do I ftp into a siteworx account without dns? Can it be done with the ip+ unix name?
This then bypasses the DNS, as the DNS only resolves the IP of the A record for FTP. Do not use the unix name
to be honest, with PHP, I have never tried to upload 10GB, we do allow 2GB as it’s max. Are you doing the transfer from datacentre to datacentre, or from office to datacentre etc… if later, what speeds are you conneted at
I’m sorry, I am slow sometimes, but import is using IW PHP version, therefore any changes to the PHP your making currently is only to the apache version used.
You will need to check IW PHP.ini settings for max file size etc… which I think you can ssh, cd /~iworx/ and look for php.ini I would think, but if I have time later, I’ll try find the php.ini if you have not found it already.
Also, just 1 more thing, a cpanel of just under 5 GB failed due to disk space, so please make sure you have enough disk space, which was posted recently
Apologies, I have been mispelling your name sorry.
I think to overcome the import of your large backup, you need to adjust the following (IW php.ini), ssh into server, vi ~worx/php.ini and change max post size (which is currently set to 168M), max upload size I think is bigger then your 10GB, or it could just be on boarder, sorry from memory it is 99999M.
Hope that helps, but if your still having import issues, you can always open a support ticket with where you purchased your IW licence from
Sorry to hi-jack the thread, I normally use the below method
What you could also do its upload the file via scp or ftp (Normally SCP is a lot quicker) to /root or /home on your server then import the account via the command line instead of using the control panel.
To import the account via the command line run the below
~iworx/bin/import.pex --archive /pathtothefile/thefileyouuploaded.tgz --control-panel cpanel --ipv4 x.x.x.x <- x is the IP address you wish the site to run on
After you have imported the account check everything is ok, Then change your DNS to the new server
I hope you don’t mind but simchippy issue is uploading the file in the first place I believe, but once on the IW server, then your post is excellent for if he wants to do it from CLI
Please post any time, it’s good to see and I am wrong usually, or perhaps not thought enough
The big account I transfer is 70Gb in size, I normally start a new session in a screen (if not installed “yum install screen”) just incase you get disconnected at any point in the transfer
Oh yes, and I think my better half will be increasing the size for you.
I know it’s off topic, but backing up using screen, what impact is seen in relation to IW backup (but suspect you would not use IW backup on that size)
Only use screen for doing a manual backup or manual restore if needed, or to move the whole site to another server / host. Every night I backup that site using the IW CLI command and scp it using a transfer.ini to another server, Because the backups are so large have to use nice -n 19 and ionice -c2 -n7 in the IW CLI command to keep the load low on the server :eek: