Multi PHP config

After checking IW v6.x I want to know where are saved config files for each php version?

Hi standus

Wow, I did not know that had been implemented yet. I knew it was been worked on

I have checked 2 servers, and production server states it is not able to be updated (will need to look at this) and on a dns only server, it shows all php versions once updated

I would think it is from /etc/php.d perhaps, but will look later when I have more time

I would also check /home/siteworx user/var/etc or if there is any /etc shown in the siteworx user folder

Many thanks


Please check it, because for example ioncude loader php module has different version for each php version. So each php version must have different php config.

Hi standus

I tried this morning and ioncube I need to spend more time (ioncube has changed slightly)

To answer your first question, the upgrade for multiphp does not install additional php versions - it just makes it easy to use, so you need to follow justec. Post for installing php - yum install php70 (php54, 55 etc)

This then puts the versions into /opt/remi etc (or your chosen pho installer)

I hope that helps

Many thanks


Hi Standus
I hope you do not mind, but I created a sticky for multi PHP including ioncube
This shows how to setup the php versions (need installing first) and also to have ioncube loaded.
Many thanks

one can also define the path in the ~/.bashrc

export PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=/usr/local/lib/php.d