No updates? Interworx still alive?


It’s been a while since the roadmap and version history have been updated. There were updates every month or so, but there’s nothing since april…

Should we look to migrate to an other control panel or Interworx is still alive?

I hope your’re not dead! Interworx is a great product!


Welcome to IW forums

InterWorx is fully live and kicking

There has been many changes and there is now no major releases as it is pushed out on channels

There are not many at InterWorx so they have to divide time and of course there is the covid interruption which has a delay

I saw on BBC news USA been hit hard with delta variant so I wish them well and hope it passes quickly.

Updating a roadmap is not high on priority for me and it can give advantages to competitors

If your IW is not updated, do you have subscription for updates and are there any errors. Also what channel are you on for updates. Stable release etc…

I’m sure IW will post as well, as Jenna and Brandon are a lot more active

This post is purely my thoughts

Many thanks



I can assure you that InterWorx is still very much alive (otherwise, what have I been doing all these hours?! ha ha). Our builds have been temporarily paused while we moved our building/testing infrastructure from on-prem to the cloud. COVID has meant that we aren’t often in the building where our infrastructure is, so moving that infrastructure to the cloud was deemed the best choice. This is in the final stages of completion and we’re actively working on building releases for both IW6 and IW7. I don’t have an exact timeline for their release, but I can say that Jenna started working on the changelog for the upcoming versions a few days ago and it’s loooooooong. Once that release is out, we hope to return to a weekly release cycle.

Thanks for checking on us though!


Thanks for the reply!

I hoped that you were still alive :wink: I really like InterWorx and would have been sad to return to the panel with the letter “c” :stuck_out_tongue: