pear modules

Trying to install Cerberus Help Desk and it gives this message during requirement check:

The following problems prevent you from running Cerberus Helpdesk 4.0:
upload_tmp_dir is empty in your php.ini file. Please set it.
The ‘MailParse’ PHP extension is required. Please enable it.
The ‘Mail’ PEAR package is required. Please install it.
The ‘Mail_Mime’ PEAR package is required. Please install it.
The ‘Mail_mimeDecode’ PEAR package is required. Please install it.
The ‘Mail_RFC822’ PEAR package is required. Please install it.
The ‘Text_Password’ PEAR package is required. Please install it.

Could someone clarify how to apply this (on a vps) safely? Thank you. Using Centos 4.5

The cerberus install guide says to run this:

pear install --alldeps Mail
pear install --alldeps Mail_Mime
pear install --alldeps Text_Password
pear install --alldeps Image_GraphViz
pear install --alldeps Testing_Selenium-beta
pear channel-discover
pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit


pear install --alldeps Mail
ERROR: either use the CLI php executable, or set register_argc_argv=On in php.ini

I enabled that in /etc/php.ini and restarted httpd. Still gives off the same error.

Hi cabizeid,

See if there’s a /etc/php-cli.ini or /etc/php-cgi.ini, and see if you can change the register_argc_argv value there.


It was in that required the change odd enough.

I get one error on all modules, rest worked fine.

pear install --alldeps Mail_Mime
pear/Mail_Mime requires PEAR Installer (version >= 1.6.0), installed version is 1.4.11
pear/Mail_mimeDecode requires PEAR Installer (version >= 1.6.0), installed version is 1.4.11
pear/Mail_mimeDecode requires package “pear/Mail_Mime” (version >= 1.4.0, excluded versions: 1.4.0)
No valid packages found
install failed

Thanks for the help