Today it is exactly three years ago since PHP 5 has been released. In those three years it has seen many improvements over PHP 4. PHP 5 is fast, stable & production-ready and as PHP 6 is on the way, PHP 4 will be discontinued.
The PHP development team hereby announces that support for PHP 4 will continue until the end of this year only. After 2007-12-31 there will be no more releases of PHP 4.4. We will continue to make critical security fixes available on a case-by-case basis until 2008-08-08. Please use the rest of this year to make your application suitable to run on PHP 5.
What do you all think about this move by the PHP development team? I must say that its not surprising, however, a lot of software isn’t fully compatible with PHP 5 yet. :mad:
I think its a good idea, it has been out 3 years and they can’t continue to support PHP 4 5 and 6 all at the same time. Plus they have given plenty of notice. Security updates are good through most 2008.
Also, on your comment about stuff not being compatible I believe that is b/c no one has taken the time to do it. So this move should give those guys a kick in the ass to get working on it!!
I hope that is the case. I’m getting ready to upgrade and reinstall my personal server tomorrow… with CentOS 5 with InterWorx (pretty excited about that). That should give me a good idea as to what to expect in a few months time.
[QUOTE=sliqua;14066]I hope that is the case. I’m getting ready to upgrade and reinstall my personal server tomorrow… with CentOS 5 with InterWorx (pretty excited about that). That should give me a good idea as to what to expect in a few months time. [/QUOTE]Im going to be setting up a test Iworx / centos5 server at home. Wanted to do it since the weekend just haven’t had a chance yet. Then I will be moving my production sites to a new server with centos5 and iworx, can’t wait. Lots of nice stuff with PHP5, especially with the class structure.
It’s not as bad as it used to be but yes a lot of people are gonna be mad. I’ve upgraded to php5 myself on my personal box and this far have only found one script I was using that is not compliant (well I assume that was the case because it didn’t work and then when I upgraded to the newest version it worked).
The GoPHP5 Movement [ ] is starting to spread and most scripts that are actively developed are either already compliant or working towards it.