I am having problems with my php my admin. It keeps giving error 500 when I try to change some property in any field of any table for example.
Error processing order
Error code: 500
Error text: Internal Server Error (rejected)
It seems that the connection to the server has been lost. Please check your network connectivity and the status of your server.
I can change information in a table, delete, insert content, when updating using the interworx software update system, it generated the following error.
updates: mirror2.evolution-host.com
Resolving Dependencies
–> Running transaction check
—> Package interworx-phpmyadmin.noarch 0:4.9.1-1760.iworx will be updated
—> Package interworx-phpmyadmin.noarch 0:4.9.5-1784.iworx will be an update
–> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
interworx-phpmyadmin noarch 4.9.5-1784.iworx interworx-release 17 M
Transaction Summary
Upgrade 1 Package
Total download size: 17 M
Downloading packages:
Delta RPMs disabled because /usr/bin/applydeltarpm not installed.
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
I installed deltarpm and ran the yum update ‘* iworx’ command, but it returned that phpmyadmin is already installed. What can be done?
No problem, sorry for the trouble. Took a while to figure out when it first came up as phpmyadmin docs indicated that the twig version we used was supported for the updated phpmyadmin version.
Has this been pushed out to the main update yet? I don’t want to have to run this on 30 servers. To my knowledge, most of them are broke with the same issue as the OP and I’ve got tons of support tickets about the issue.
I suspect it might be pushed to RC and follow the normal pushout timings for stable RC etc… kinda makes sense as stable should not have the issue but RC did
The fix provided by IW Joseph only takes seconds with no restart of any service I think
Unfortunately it looks like it was pushed out as a normal release so it was going through the normal beta, rc and then ga channels. I’ve asked that we rush it considering the phpmyadmin issues. Promoting the 6.8.1-1801 update to GA now. It will need to get through a large number of automated tests first but it should become available today.