Problem with SMTP...

The feature is now available inthe 2.1.2 version of InterWorx.

To enalbe it


  • Log into NodeWOrx
  • Click on System Services
  • Click on Mail Server
  • Ckick on MTA Settings
  • Under Alternate Inbound SMTP Server, ckick Start [/LIST] The default port is 587, but you can change it if you want.
  • OK I am trying to use Port 587 with Outlook Express, I did the following
    First I did what IWorx-Tim said to do above in his post, port 587 on the server is showing to be active, running.

    Then I opened up Outlook Express Accounts > selected properties then on the advanced Tab change Outgoing SMTP to port 587 clicked on Apply and then OK and tried to send email and got this error:

    The connection to the server has failed. Account: ‘XXXXXXX’, Server: ‘’, Protocol: SMTP, Port: 587, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

    IS there something else I need to do?

    Make sure if you’re using a firewall and it’s on that port 587 / tcp is open.


    Ah, yes thanks Chris

    Chris, I added this port to the firewall, but for some reason the service is listed as “submission”, is there anyway to set the service name to smtp?

    “Submission” is actually technically the correct term for the 587 smtp port service. It’s meant for “submission” of e-mail from the end user, as opposed to communication between mail servers, which is what port 25 is for (in theory).


    If you really wanted to change the name, you could probably edit the /etc/services file. Just be careful :slight_smile:


    Thanks, i’m actually going to use 1025 for it, I also have some other ports open for some other servers that I’d like to be able to have a service name associated with them in the firewall…

    Whoops, forgot to mention that . . . my bad :slight_smile:

    Sorry, I was actually wondering if anyone has made any progress on the original purpose of this thread (SMTP connection issues). :slight_smile: See post #7.

    jimp I was having the same trouble from time to time. And I activated port 587 in the latest version of Interworx (2.1.2). I then set up my email manager to use SMTP PORT 587 and its been working perfect ever since. With the exception of a small problem at first with this, but it was easly fixed by opening PORT 587 in my servers firewall. Other than that works fine, solved my problem,…so far.

    A lot of different topics ended up being discussed in this thread, so I quoted jimp’s post to make it clear what I’m responding to here - and that is, the “intermittent smtp connection failing” problem.

    After quite a bit of investigation, it looks like jimp’s final suggestion is the problem. The smtp server’s memory limit appears to be getting it “sometimes”. It isn’t exactly clear what’s causes it to happen, the memory limit was indeed getting hit occasionally, causing smtp connections to fail.

    For anyone having this problem, specificially anyone that ever received the message
    “421 unable to read controls (#4.3.0)”
    when trying to send an e-mail message, here’s what you can do to fix it.

    1. As root on your server, edit the /service/smtp/run
    2. change the line
    exec /usr/bin/softlimit -m 6400000 \
    exec /usr/bin/softlimit -m 12800000 \

    effectively doubling the memory limit
    3) restart the smtp server: svc -t /service/smtp


    I am very curious to hear what you did to pinpoint the solution. :slight_smile: My entire office, and one annoyed customer who eventually started using their ISP’s SMTP server instead, will all be very happy to hear the good news.

    A while back, I also had to increase our IMAP service’s memory limit from 6400000 to 10200000, to correct a similar annoying error message about the IMAP connection being reset. I think a member of the InterWorx team helped me with that memory limit problem, too. No one in our office uses POP3. Could it be limiting out, like IMAP and SMTP were? (It is capped at the default 6400000.) Many customers just accept error messages without ever telling us, so I admit it could be happening and we would never know it.

    I’ve been getting the same error once in a while with my server. What I dont understand is why it is now using more memory than it was using 2 months ago, since that is about the time the error started.