Hi Kiran
Many thanks, please see pics of the folder/file locations you need to use, the view when plugin enabled and an extract of the folder/files you use from IW docs.
If you are not sure, you maybe better advised to work through the Hello WOrld plugin, which should make it clearer.
Lastly, please remember to set permissions on your new files/folder so IW can access them (if your not sure over perms, just look at perms used on Hello World)
ls -l
total 16
drwx------. 4 iworx iworx 4096 Apr 25 21:40 Ctrl
drwx------. 2 iworx iworx 4096 May 3 18:18 Plugin
-rw------- 1 iworx iworx 205 Sep 20 2010 plugin.ini
drwx------. 2 iworx iworx 4096 May 3 18:18 templates
I hope that helps a little
Many thanks
2.6 Files and Directory Structure
Required Files
The required files for a proper plugin structure are few, but each is key to the proper functioning of the plugin:
Plugin Directory: ~iworx/plugins/[plugin-name]
This is the directory where all files relevant to the plugin are stored. Here, ?plugin-name? should be short, hyphen separated (no spaces or underscores), and lowercase.
Plugin INI file: ~iworx/plugins/[plugin-name]/plugin.ini
The plugin INI contains plugin metadata, such as the version, author, and a brief description.
Plugin Class file: ~iworx/plugins/[plugin-name]/Plugin/[PluginName].php
This is the core of the plugin and contains the majority of its functionality, such as data storage, InterWorx menu updates, and enabling/disabling of the plugin. ?PluginName.php? should reflect the naming of ?plugin-name? above, with hyphens removed and each word capitalized.
Optional Files
The following files are optional to the core operation of a plugin, but allow users to further personalize their plugin interface:
Plugin NodeWorx Controller file: ~iworx/plugins/[plugin-name]/Ctrl/Nodeworx/[PluginUrl].php
With this file present, a user will be able to control how the plugin is represented in the NodeWorx interface (if necessary). The naming of this file determines the URL of the controller ? in this case we?d find it at /nodeworx/plugin/url.
Plugin SiteWorx Controller file: ~iworx/plugins/[plugin-name]/Ctrl/Siteworx/[PluginUrl].php
Much like above, this file allows for control of the plugin with regards to the SiteWorx interface. The naming of this file determines the URL of the controller ? in this case we?d find it at /siteworx/plugin/url.
Plugin default template file: ~iworx/plugins/[plugin-name]/templates/default.tpl
The core template file, this file controls the layout and presentation of the plugin?s output in-browser.
Other files can be included as necessary, such as those for input forms, images, payloads, formatters, custom libraries, and data sources. These are more advanced features and described in detail later on.