Regarding InterWorx CLI

I have installed ‘interworx-cli’ & logged in as siteworx user in shell, how can I get INTERWORX API KEY. What is the exact command which we need to enter in-order get INTERWORX API KEY.

In detail:

When I logged in as a nodeworx, I will enter this command to get INTERWORX API KEY --> nodeworx -u -n -c APIKey -a listApikey
When I logged in as a siteworx then what is the command I need to enter to get INTERWORX API KEY ?

Thank you,

Hi Kiran

Many thanks, and sorry, I was over 200 miles away today
There is no API Key for siteworx accounts sorry.
You can either authenticate as the siteworx user, (username, password, domain) in CLI (API) or try using CLI commands as I showed on Synthetisoft thread.
I hope that helps a little, but sorry, I am unsure what your trying to do sorry
Many thanks