Roundcube vacation message problem

Anyone knows what causes roundube vacation message error (Somwthing went wrong, could not update the vacation messages).

No other details and not possible to set vacation message in roundcube webmail…

Rocky Linux release 8.10 and IW v7.13.53.


I was unable to reproduce the issue on a test server running the same OS and iworx version, so it does not appear to be a systemic issue:


[root@rocky8iw7 ~]# rpm -q interworx
[root@rocky8iw7 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Rocky Linux release 8.10 (Green Obsidian)
[root@rocky8iw7 ~]#

Try tailing the Roundcube error log while reproducing the issue, and let me know if there is any output:

tail -f /usr/local/interworx/lib/roundcube/logs/errors.log



No output in /usr/local/interworx/lib/roundcube/logs/errors.log
Exactly same versions but still got problem…any other ideas how to solve this?

My best guess without seeing the actual system are permissions issues preventing the communication between Roundcube and InterWorx to work. If you’re a direct customer, my recommendation would be to submit a ticket to our helpdesk so we can see the system ourselves. If you’re not a direct customer, it is recommended that you open a ticket with your license provider.

For the moment, while trying to change the vacation message, tail ~iworx/var/log/iworx.log and see if you get any calls to the EmailBox class and specifically the editCommit action. If you don’t see any calls containing that, the issue is probably that the plugin is not even running the “glue” scripts that allow the two systems to work together.

Double check that a file named 91-iworx-roundcube exists in /etc/sudoers.d since that is important to the process. Additionally, running ~iworx/bin/cvspermsfix.pex should make sure that the scripts themselves have the proper permissions.