Is there some good solution how to detect mail users/domains who send e-mails out to e-mail addresses what not exist (unknown users).
Viewed logs but nothing special does not stand out.
Hi Vmk
Good question but I am not sure I understand what your trying to do
Do you mean you want to check if email address exists and is live
If so, there are laws against this and software which may ban you if it thinks you are scraping for live email addresses
If you mean you are trying to stop emails been sent which do not exist, it would be hard to detect unless you know they do not exist
Also, how are you thinking about handling website forms which send email after the form has been completed
Many thanks
Hello d2d4j,
Yes i mean that i need to detect who exactly is sending out emails to adresses which do not exist…
Hi Vmk
Many thanks and I think I understand but I am tired today sorry
A better person then me wrote this and put it on forums, so Kudos to them but I think this should work for what you want in part, albeit you may need to adjust accordingly to find the sender for exact email address (which can only be known when failed)
You will need ssh into server and run as root or sudo
Many thanks
cat /var/log/smtp/*.s /var/log/smtp/current |
grep ‘CHKUSER accepted rcpt’ |
cut -d ’ ’ -f 10 | cut -d ‘@’ -f 2 | sed ‘s/>$//g’ |
sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
Sorry but it’s hard to understand and your pm quota is full
Hi Vmk
Many thanks
The space allocated to PM I have not control over sorry but I will delete the Pm to free up space
Many thanks