Wanted to start a thread where I can any little things that seem like they could be useful to someone else as I setup the server…
1) Yum now requires you list the arch you want for certain programs. I installed ImageMagick and had to do “yum install ImageMagick.x86_64” so that it wouldn’t install both the 32 and 64 bit packages
2) sudo file has new force tty option that prevents you from using sudo form a webpage for example, you can comment this out.
3) POP3 connection errors (see http://interworx.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14220)
4) DNS - I had a site with an off site DNS server and when it transfer it did bring that over but also created a new mail.domain.com entry to the local website IP. So I had to mail. entries in the DNS and the first one (local) was taking precedence.