SimpleScripts 500 Error on Installing Wordpress?


Getting a 500 error on SimpleScripts error, and Softaculous shows “sh /bin/php-cli not found” … ?

Internal Server Error
Your server responded with “Internal Server Error”, which means your server is having difficulties processing PHP requests. If you are not familiar with this error (a “500” Error), please contact your server admin or web host about possible resolutions.
Show Debug (beta)
[30 Nov 10:05] Archive upload success.
[+1.177s] Install utility successfully uploaded.
[+1.375s] Response from http://[domain].com/cgi-bin/ 500 Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error

Any ideas?



Turned out I needed to enable SuPHP for it to work.

I get the same error in softaculous. Though the package php-cli is installed, the file itself doesn’t exist on the filesystem. Softaculous packages install fine, but softaculous insists on file and dir perms if 0777, and suphp pukes on that when trying to access the installed packages. Mod_php is fine with those perms, but I’m not fine with mod_php and 0777.