Size limit in autoresponder

Is there seriously a 255 character limit on the text in an autoresponder? Is there any way to increase this limit?


Larry Hiscock

Hi Larry,

It looks like there’s a bug when EDITING an existing autoresponder, and it is indeed limited to a default 255 chars. However, when adding an autoresponder for the first time, it will allow up to 2000 characters. As a workaround you could delete and re-add the autoresponder. Alternatively, open a support ticket and we’ll patch your server with the fix. The next update will include the fix as well.

Thanks for reporting this!


Is there any way to increase it beyond 2000 characters? I’m trying to convert my last sites off of an old Ensim server, and they’ve got several autoresponders defined under Ensim that are 4-6K characters.


Larry Hiscock

It shouldn’t be a problem for us to increase the size to what you need.
