Subdomain A record is not found!

I tried to add a subdomain from siteworx and the subdomain + directory wass added. But the domain was not accessible.
Going through the DNS Zone, a CNAME was added instead of A record, which was missing.

Any thoughts?

PS:I’m in JaguarPC VPS and just converting from WHM/cPanel.

I have the same problem,
after creating subdomain only cname was created but no A record so no acces to the subdomain.
After creating the A record the problem was solved.

is this a little bug?

The word little is inappropriate, IMO. :smiley:

After adding the subdomain (and before adding the A record) did you wait 10-15 minutes for the DNS to propagate?



Yes I have waited 30 min.

Mine is not the propagation problem.
Siteworx only adds CNAME and not A record!
DO I need to add A Record manually?


That was what I said before to, I have the same problem, Siteworx don’t create a A record.

Yes you have to create it by yourself if you wan’t have your subdomain working.

Why does Siteworx not create the Arecord by itself?

Thanks. But it sucks :mad:

Me too intrested to know before deciding on moving to WHM/cPanel

There is no need to add an A record when adding a Subdomain- the CNAME should function as needed. Do you have an example of a subdomain you’ve added without the A record that doesn’t work?


Hi Dustin,
Thanks for your reply.

You may be right and we tried with few installtions and none works without adding a A record manually. Anyhow, I do not want to argue with you about this.

But would like to know one concrete reply from yourself.
Is it possible to add automatically, an A record - instead of a CNMAE, for every subdomain we create from siteworx?
This will be the last thing I would like to know before dropping Interworx.

Thanks & Regards.

@ Dustin,

You are right it doesn’t need to have an A record, you are also right that you have to wait some time after creating a subdomain only it is not 15 min. but 60 min.

For me it looks like problem solved :slight_smile:

Nice to know your problem solved.
But it won’t be the case always, if one neeed to wait for 15/60 or whatever mins for every subdomain to work with.
::Still waiting for Answer::


You may be right and we tried with few installtions and none works without adding a A record manually. Anyhow, I do not want to argue with you about this.

Good, because we don’t want to argue either, just help :). The CNAME’s not resolving is almost certainly a simple problem to fix, if we had an example to go by and see what was happening.

Is it possible to add automatically, an A record - instead of a CNMAE, for every subdomain we create from siteworx?

No, not at this time.

Also, the most anyone should have to wait is 5 minutes or so, because the dns is updated every 5 minutes by a cron job.

[SIZE=3] No, not at this time.[/SIZE]

Thanks for the answer.

Now I know where to go!

You’re welcome, and good luck/best wishes with whatever Control Panel you choose.


Goodluck to you too, on evolving it into a great control panel, trace of which I can feel, though I can’t continue with it at the present situation.

Hope one day I’ll be able to use Interworx again.

Thanks for your time Dustin. :slight_smile:


Um… :rolleyes:

You drop a CP b/c SiteWorx accounts can’t add A records? Personally I dont think that should be changed b/c there is no need for an A record unless its a different IP which for a single SiteWorx account shouldn’t be doing anyway.

You can easily (through the CP) add an A record to any SiteWorx account as the server admin by using NodeWorx.

Hey the less people that use iworx panel the more business for me :smiley:

Anyway good luck.

Chris or Paul can corect me if I’m wrong but as I understand it it wasn’t added originally because it wasn’t felt that it was needed because creating the SiteWorx account created all of the main records you needed and creating the subdomains, pointers, etc added the necessary ones to make them work so manual editing wasn’t needed and when you consider how easy DNS is to mess up it’s not always the best idea to give that functionality to a newbie website owner. Nonetheless the ability to add/edit dns zones and records will be added to resellers and probably website owners at some point. It’s just a matter of when.

We have this problem as well.
example (both running on the same server): (added as subdomain - ie CNAME record) - Doesn’t work (added as subdomain - ie CNAME record) - Does work ?!

I have also tried to have added as a secondary domain, since I prefer to have subdomains with their own root folder, and not as a subfolder of the master domain. But that didn’t work either… there is nothing in the interworx logs … and I’m stumped.

I’m not asking for an A record… I’m just asking why the cname record works for one account but not another …