Unable to send email with Interworx Mailbox


If you are getting failure messages in Roundcube, itself–meaning a little popup that says there is a connection error or something of that nature–there may be info in the Roundcube error log. The easiest way to see this is to tail -f the log while reproducing the issue.

tail -f /usr/local/interworx/lib/roundcube/logs/error


glad I could help!

And thanks again for helping me as well for this mail problem.

Hello again…

After this mail queuq problem, right now even with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records for my domains. my mail is still sending to SPAM folder. Before this, it doesn’t sent to the spam. is there any advice to make the message sends into Inbox?

Just in case, here’s how my MX or SPF records looks like:

It’s unlikely that anyone would be able to assist without more information. Your DNS records are only half of the equation.

Wild Guess: It’s possible that because you’re proxying the mail subdomain, you’re failing SPF checks because the IP address you’re sending from ( I presume) doesn’t match the public A record for mail.vdosmartgadget.com. That subdomain returns

[brandon@fedora ~]$ dig a mail.vdosmartgadget.com +short

It seems possible that mail carriers are seeing that does not equal or and it fails SPF. Looking at the headers of an email that has gone to spam would also be a great first step in understanding what is happening. If you’re not sure how to read email headers, there are many tools online to parse those headers for you, such as: Email Header Analyzer, RFC822 Parser - MxToolbox


Good post Iworx-brandon

I read it this morning but mobile too small

The spf must be ended with an all or a redirect to be fully valid
The Dmarc is set to www and shows published but no policies enabled

There is other reasons as well, such as content filtering or some gmail users have added emails sent from server as spam, and as such, gmail now class the server as a spam sender (Microsoft do similar) or even reputation of sending server or domain as poor

As iworx-brandon posted, the header details of the email sent to spam would most likely show the reason

Many thanks


Great catch(es), John!

Hello Brandon and John,

Thank you for your response, and good monring to you John.

I find it strange… How come my SPF pointing different ip address, but then I find out only my DKIM record is the Fail here.
Here’s the Email header analyzer full report:

And my apologies for the lack information Brandon, here’s my TXT record at full length:

type:TXT, host:_dmarc, Content: v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:024607ce095f4d31b6cdbc2cb8cc258f@dmarc-reports.cloudflare.net,mailto:enquiry@thaigood4u.com

type: TXT, host:_domainkey, Content: v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=y;

type: TXT, host:_@, Content: v=spf1 a mx

there’s another two TXT record… one is for the sendblue as my the site smtp for password recovery mail, but the other one I’m not sure where did I get it…

Type: TXT, Host:mail._domainkey, Content: k=rsa;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDeMVIzrCa3T14JsNY0IRv5/2V1/v2itlviLQBwXsa7shBD6TrBkswsFUToPyMRWC9tbR/5ey0nRBH0ZVxp+lsmTxid2Y2z+FApQ6ra2VsXfbJP3HE6wAO0YTVEJt1TmeczhEd2Jiz/fcabIISgXEdSpTYJhb0ct0VJRxcg4c8c7wIDAQAB

I hope this helps. My sincerely apologies for the incovenience.

Many thanks,


Any reason why your DKIM key is setup on mail._domainkey instead of default._domainkey? In most cases, I would have expected the latter.

That’s the strangest thing, I never add this record, maybe its auto creates when it moves to the cloudflare?

Anyway my problem is solved after doing this:

This guide was from the cloudflare staff. thanks again for teaching me how to check the email headers. my apologies again for any incoveniences

Many thanks,


Glad it’s resolved and glad you’ve corrected the dns records

It’s easier to see the full headers I find as pictures are far too small on mobile

You will need to change all other domains where those records exist if they were created the same

I am uk so in a different time zone

Many thanks


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I was just currious. for the DKIM part.
whats that “p” is about? the p at the DKIM record: p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDeMVIzrCa3T14JsNY0IRv5/2V1/v2itlviLQBwXsa7shBD6TrBkswsFUToPyMRWC9tbR/5ey0nRBH0ZVxp+lsmTxid2Y2z+FApQ6ra2VsXfbJP3HE6wAO0YTVEJt1TmeczhEd2Jiz/fcabIISgXEdSpTYJhb0ct0VJRxcg4c8c7wIDAQAB

What do they mean? and what they do?


p indicates the public key used by a mailbox provider to match to the DKIM signature

Many thanks


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