Update error

I am receiving this error for a couple of days, I have no idea what it means and how to fix it.

Subject: Cron <[B]iworx@iworx1[/B]> cd /home/interworx/cron ; ./iworx.pex --daily


[SIZE=3]Traceback (most recent call last):[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] File “/usr/bin/yum”, line 28, in ?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] import yummain[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] File “/usr/share/yum-cli/yummain.py”, line 31, in ?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] from yum.i18n import to_unicode[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]ImportError: cannot import name to_unicode[/SIZE]


It seems to solve this problem I have to uninstall yum and reinstall it.
If I try that it returns this:

rpm -e yum
error: Failed dependencies:
yum is needed by (installed) yum-conf-1.0-101.rhe5x.iworx.noarch
yum >= 3.2.19-16 is needed by (installed) yum-utils-1.1.16-14.el5.centos .1.noarch
yum >= 3.0 is needed by (installed) yum-fastestmirror-1.1.16-14.el5.cent os.1.noarch
yum is needed by (installed) interworx-4.3.0-299.iworx.noarch

I have solved this problem by reinstalling yum.