Updating Scripts installed using ScriptWorx

I have a question regarding ScriptWorx…

If a SiteWorx site owner installs a script using SiteWorx and later a updated version of the script is added to ScriptWorx, is it possible to update the already ScriptWorx installed script by installing over the current installed script using ScriptWorx?

Will that erase the populated database from the first install if done this way?

Reaon I am asking those that use ScriptWorx usually do not have any idea how to install a script manually, in fact using ScriptWorx can be a challenge at times for them. So the olds of them manually updating their scripts is slim to none if ScriptWorxs cant do it. And outdated scripts on the server could become a hazard not only to the server but the owners web site.

Any ideas here?

Most scripts usually get updated manually. Auto installers are meant to get an app up and running and that’s about it. It seems to me script authors should be the only party responsible for smart updates of any kind.

Will that erase the populated database from the first install if done this way?
I’m guessing tables get recreated with an error but the database stays intact.

Reaon I am asking those that use ScriptWorx usually do not have any idea how to install a script manually… in fact using ScriptWorx can be a challenge at times for them…
I think that’s a good point. Maybe offer Scriptworx but disable by defaut for package templates; enable for users who request it. Before and after, hammer out auto installer caveats and support obligations. You raise good points.