Viewing Secondary Domains on v7 Siteworx

Now I may be getting old, and the answer may be simple. :grinning:

I’ve been using v6 for a couple of years, and I am currently moving to a new server which is v7.

On v6 Siteworx I can switch between secondary domains on the homepage by using the drop-down list for “Managing Domain:” at the top of the page. Simple.

How do I do this on v7? I can’t for the life of me find a drop-down, nor any other way to switch. I need to access the MySQL for my secondary domains.

I have read all the documentation, but can’t find anything related to this.

Any help appreciated. :heart_eyes:


We did not bring over the ‘manage domains’ format to IW7, as it tended to be confusing to a lot of customers. Everything is based on dropdowns on the individual pages, now. For example, to create an email address for a secondary domain, you would just choose it from the dropdown on the creation form:

To view the mailboxes for a secondary domain, you would choose it from the dropdown on the mailbox page:

For databases, it is a little different as there never really was a difference in what what shown or accessible depending on which domain one was logged in as. All databases on a SiteWorx account are prefixed with the unixuser, and all were able to be seen on the mysql database page. Secondary domains never actually had their own, specific databases, they way they do email addresses or SSL certificates.

For example, on my IW6 test server. I have two domains on an account–the main domain is The secondary domain is

While logged in as, I created a database, which was named testcom_seconddb. While logged in as, I created a database, which was named testcom_maintest. Both are listed on the MySql page, no matter which domain I’m logged in as.

In fact, while logged in as, when I navigate to Hosting Features > MySQL > Databases, it automatically switches back to for that page, since secondary domains to not actually have their own, specific databases.


And, when I access PHP MyAdmin while logged in as, both are listed there, as well:


When you say that you need to access the MySQL for secondary domains, can you provide a bit more detail? Are you missing databases from the MySQL page? Are you missing them in PHPMyAdmin? Are you trying to create a database specific to the secondary domain?


Thank you for your answer. :slight_smile:

I imported one domain that has about 15 secondary domains from v6. This worked fine. All the websites are present.

On v6, when I go to the MySQL option it shows one MySQL DB for the main domain, TWEEDLETEST1.COM (DB_TWEEDLETEST1). This is correct. When I go on V7 and go to MySQL, it shows the same DB. All well and good.

When I want the MySQL on a secondary domain on v6 for TWEEDLETEST1.COM, such as MYTESTING11.COM, I use the simple to use drop-down on the Siteworx homepage, which instantly switches all the options to selected secondary domain MYTESTING11.COM. Couldn’t be easier. I then go to MySQL where the single DB for MYTESTING11.COM (DB_MYTESTING11) appears. Easy.

I can’t access the secondary MySQL DB’s in v7. No drop-downs. No options.

The websites work, but the MySQL are nowhere to be found. The secondary sites are listed in ‘Existing Domains’.

They don’t appear in phpMyAdmin until I switch via the drop-down in v6 to the particular secondary domain. This I can’t do in v7.

The DB’s appear in Nodeworx phpMyAdmin v6, but not Nodeworx phpMyAdmin v7. As I said, the sites/domains work, so they are there, just not visible on v7.

Thanks. :slight_smile:


If you could submit a ticket to, with remote assistance enabled for both the IW6 and IW7 server, that would be really helpful. I’d also need to know an example domain to look at. Then I can take a look for you and see the exact issue you are reporting.

I am having a hard time visualizing what you are describing, especially as, if I’m understanding correctly, it is quite different than what I’ve ever seen on an IW6 server, and I cannot reproduce on my test server (re: being logged in as the secondary domain ONLY shows databases associated with that domain). :frowning:

Also if your databases are literally named, that is different than the standard InterWorx database naming convention, so that is also a bit confusing to me.


Will do. Thank you. :slight_smile: