Seems i keep getting emails today (just started for 1st time) from the server notifying me:
--------------------[h=2]Warning: Mail Queue Size Exceeded[/h]
Hello, this is an automated e-mail generated by your control panel. I’ve detected a potential problem on this server ({$hostname}). You may want to look into it. Details of the problem are below.
Mail queue size limit of 1000 exceeded. The current number of messages in the mail queue is: 11590
There may be a spamming problem.
I am assuming this is spam as its a low utilized server. does not exist. I assume i have ‘allow anonymous users on’ somewhere? Anyone able to point me in the right direction to disable/stop this?
I hope you don’t mind, but as these emails are in your que, cannot you just view one, to which domain they were sent to, then check if catchall is on for that domain, which if it is, turn it off
You can turn off catch all accounts as default, from nodeworx plugins I think memory
Project Tarbaby helps you reduce spam and helps us at Junk Email Filter build our blacklist. This is done by adding a fake MX record to your existing MX lists. The fake MX record will be your highest numbered MX and it will point to one of our servers. We will not actually receive any of your email under any circumstances. We will return a 451 temporary error immediately after the DATA command. This tells the sender to come back later and try again. Good email is never lost using this method. Here’s what a connection to tarbaby looks like:
Hi Inodecloud
Many thanks, and here is my cat, and test results
Just a thought, are you clustered and did you try restart qmail in full
Many thanks
cat /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp
Telnet Test
telnet ns4.redacted.url 25
554 SMTP protocol violation
Connection to host lost.
Telnet Good Connect after 5 secs
220 ns4.redacted.url InterWorx-CP SMTP Server ESMTP
helo me
250 ns4.redacted.url InterWorx-CP SMTP Server
That’s a good question and the answer is it appears to have been dropped from been used. This appears to be on Centos 7 or later versions of IW perhaps.
However, you can add it as follows:
SSH into your server
vi /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp
add the following to end of file, so it should appear as below. Note GREETDELAY= can be altered to any number of seconds you want, so 5 seconds could become 3 seconds if you alter 5 to 3 etc…
Yes it does in fact work after re-testing, not sure if its good to have enabled or not.
was just interested if it still worked.
thank you for your reply