Where is the mysql log file?

Could someone please tell me where the mysql error log file is located?
See screen screen shot and looking on server I can’t find it.
Server 6.12.1 version.

iworx mysql:

Users DB files: /var/lib/mysql
System files in: /var/lib/mysql/mysql

Hi nico

Sorry I’ve been busy

MariaDB I think has not been told to log errors etc to a file in system server options

You can find the mariaDB logs in system log as it is using stddrr output to systemd log

You can add log though to mariaDB server conf options I think but would need to look it up

Many thanks


Hi John @d2d4j
What odd, you do need to find what’s in the error log to see what goes on, same like the mysql slow query log.
Thanks Nico

disabled by default… :frowning:

Hi nico

Many thanks

I’m sure you have already read the following but if not, here is how to set logging including the option for slow logging etc

Many thanks
