hi d2.
I have read that and it shows it should work on redhat ent 6 which is apart of AWS. The IP issue is not the issue i am having.
On a fresh redhat instance, after a yum update i use the interworx install cli command sh <((curl -sL interworx.com/inst.sh)) and get stuck at installing gd-devel as the install breaks. Somehow need to ignore it or skip it.
Just fyi, here is the breakdown on a fresh redhat ent 6.
]# sh <((curl -sL interworx.com/inst.sh))
STATUS: Determining Linux distribution
-=-=-=-=-= Installing InterWorx-CP =-=-=-=-=-
This script will install InterWorx-CP on your system.
Please make sure that you have backed up any critical
This script may be run multiple times without any
problems. This is helpful if you find an error
during installation, you can safely ctrl-c out of
this script, fix the error and re-start the script.
Details of this installation will be logged in iworx-install.log
TARGET : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)
PROCESSOR : x86_64
RPM DIR : /usr/src/redhat/RPMS
SRPM DIR : /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS
SRPM HOST : updates.interworx.com
IWORX REPO: release
Press <enter> to begin the install…
STATUS: Installing wget (if needed)
STATUS: Importing RPM GPG keys
STATUS: Turning off SELINUX for current session
ln: creating symbolic link `/etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules’: File exists
STATUS: Setting up JAILED home/chroot dirs
STATUS: Looks like jailing is already setup
STATUS: Checking for YUM
STATUS: Updating yum (if needed)
STATUS: Installing InterWorx YUM repository
STATUS: Installing the LVS Load Balancer
STATUS: Installing 32bit openssl to workaround a dependency bug
STATUS: Installing openssl
STATUS: Installing openssl1097a
STATUS: Installing MySQL server
STATUS: Installing the Apache webserver
STATUS: Installing PHP
STATUS: Installing Qmail
STATUS: Installing vpopmail
STATUS: Installing php-iworx, iworx-db-*, and httpd-iworx
STATUS: Installing mysql-iworx
STATUS: Installing InterWorx-CP
ERROR: InterWorx-CP could not be installed.
ERROR: YUM may have given some reasonable errors and
ERROR: you can try re-running the installer as it may
ERROR: just be a network and/or update server problem
ERROR: If after re-running the installer you still
ERROR: receive an error please open a support ticket at:
ERROR: https://www.interworx.com/support/helpdesk/
—> Package perl-Parse-Syslog.noarch 0:1.10-1.el6.rf will be installed
—> Package perl-Statistics-Distributions.x86_64 0:1.02-3.rhe6x.iworx will be installed
—> Package tcl.x86_64 1:8.5.7-6.el6 will be installed
—> Package webalizer.x86_64 2:2.01_10-100.rhe6x.iworx will be installed
–> Processing Dependency: gd-devel for package: 2:webalizer-2.01_10-100.rhe6x.iworx.x86_64
–> Running transaction check
—> Package perl-Net-CIDR-Lite.noarch 0:0.21-1.el6 will be installed
—> Package perl-Sys-Hostname-Long.x86_64 0:1.4-103.rhe6x.iworx will be installed
—> Package webalizer.x86_64 2:2.01_10-100.rhe6x.iworx will be installed
–> Processing Dependency: gd-devel for package: 2:webalizer-2.01_10-100.rhe6x.iworx.x86_64
–> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: 2:webalizer-2.01_10-100.rhe6x.iworx.x86_64 (interworx-release)
Requires: gd-devel
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest