Would InterWorx update phpmyadmin?

Would InterWorx update phpmyadmin recently?
Or have to wait for next version of InterWorx release?
I have some SQL encoding problems, so I think every thing would be easy, if I can use the newest version of phpmyadmin.

Yup, the next release will have an updated version of phpMyAdmin.

If you can’t wait for the 3.0 upgrade you can do an installation of it yourself in a subdomain (e.g phpmyadmin.mycompany.com), you’d jsut need to log into it manually each time instead of going through Site/NodeWorx. We have a number of clients woo do this in between versions.

what about now? When will be updated phpmyadmin to 3.x version?

Any news about this thread?

Hi Standus,

This is currently in the pipeline but the issue is we are still are using MySQL 4.0 in the iworx package so that would need to be updated too. Unfortunately upgrading MySQL to 5+ isn’t as simple as running the upgrade since a lot of our software is dependent on the current environment. I will bump the issue so it gets more exposure.


Any news about it?

Look how new version of phpmyadmin is perfect:

Check views number of this thread and will see how many people are interested for update old phpmyadmin.
