"You must have at least one database to use phpMyAdmin" error

When i try to open phpMyAdmin from Nodeworx, I get this error…
Mariadb is working, I can log in from command line. All other services seem to work just fine.
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
Nodeworx: RPM Release: 7.13.38-2734,
MySQL: 10.11.7-MariaDB-log.
Reset Mysql pass from nodeworx, - the same.
Any hints on what to check?

I can open phpmyadmin if I go directly to https://myIP:2443/nodeworx/phpmyadmin3/index.php
so the link from Nodeworx must be broken…


I would check your serve fqdn to make sure it is fully looking at your server and make sure local host is set to

Many thanks


localhost is set to I’m accessing nodeworx on IP.
It was working fine for the last …12 years or so …
I see I can get to
and to
but not from nodeworx when click on “Login” from phpMyadmin page.
most likely is due to the latest interworx-phpmyadmin update: V4.9.9 2734.iworx interworx-7-ga/7/x86_64 2024-05-08 20:44:46

This is a known issue that we are planning on releasing a hotfix for in the near future.

Thank you!

The hotfix has been released for InterWorx 7.13 (minor-minor versions 38-40). It should apply itself automatically when the quad_daily cron next runs, or you can do so manually with

yum clean all
yum install interworx-hotfix

Thank you,