Yum update


I got one question about yum update.

Is it possible to update without to have to reboot the server if kernel is included in the update?

Because I host IRC servers also, and then its not good to reboot everytime after kerel updates.


Due to general OS principle of operation, a kernel update implies a total system reload.

But it’s perfectly acceptable that you update the server, including kernel, and make that reboot later when the server is less used. All the packeges will be updated, and the system will be secure.

Anyway, a kernel update doesn’t show up with a high frequency, so I think that’s not an issue.

I have some servers with uptime’s above 400 days, all packeges updated except kernel.

I need to know when I update my server also including the kernel if they system will reboot or not. Because when its reboot all customers must restart their IRCd, and I think then that they will cancel their plans.

So answer this question with YES or NO: After updating server including kernel the system will reboot automatic.

I don’t think your machine should do an automatic reboot, this is not my experience anyway.

Please anybody is 100% sure the system will not reboot after kernel update? I can’t take a risk that the IRC servers go offline. Than my clients will leave me.

Or is there maybe a way that I can use “yum update” without updating the Kernel ?
I tried already in the yum.conf “exclude=kernel*” without any results.

On a standard install of InterWorx with a supported Linux distribution, it will not reboot automatically when the kernel is upgraded.

I added those disclaimers in case you’ve modified your system or installed a package that might reboot your system after a kernel upgrade. I’ve never heard of any software like that before, but I could be wrong.

[quote=IWorx-Socheat;14391]On a standard install of InterWorx with a supported Linux distribution, it will not reboot automatically when the kernel is upgraded.

I added those disclaimers in case you’ve modified your system or installed a package that might reboot your system after a kernel upgrade. I’ve never heard of any software like that before, but I could be wrong.[/quote]

Thanks, this is the first good answer where I asked for.

Thank you guys, the system did not a reboot after update.

That’s good to hear! :slight_smile:

I have never heard of a linux system rebooting ever automatically. I guess if you come from a windows background you just start to assume things b/c they become second nature even if they dont make sense :slight_smile:

It was just a question to be sure that the server don’t reboot after a kernel upgrade. :smiley:

You do realize that unless you manually reboot the new kernel will not be loaded. It will be installed, and added to your boot loaded (under normal circumstances) but you will continue to run the old one until you reboot.