InterWorx 8 Public Beta Update: In-place Upgrade Tool


While there is not yet an exact ETA, we are pleased to announce that InterWorx 8 (IW8) will be moving from Public Beta to Public Release, soon.

Customers who would like to opt in early to IW8 have two options:

  1. Install IW8 on a fresh EL8 or EL9 server. Installation instructions can be found here (Information on EL9 support can be found in our original announcement)
  2. Use the in-place IW7 to IW8 upgrade tool. Information on how to enable the upgrade tool, and upgrade to InterWorx 8 can be found here

Things to Know:

  • As EL7 went EOL at the end of June, InterWorx 8 is not supported on EL7 servers. The in-place upgrade tool will not work on EL7 servers
  • As InterWorx 8 and the in-place upgrade tool are still considered public beta at this time, use on production servers at this time should be considered at-own-risk
  • When using the in-place upgrade tool, it is currently recommended to select Beta from the dropdown when selecting the upgrade channel, as that is considered the most up-to-date version of IW8. If selecting any other channel, just be aware that the Welcome page that shows after the upgrade will still have the information for IW7, as this page has only been updated in the version of IW8 that is currently in the Beta channel (8.0.21)
  • Once IW8 reaches Public Release status, the in-place upgrade tool will be exposed by default, and will no longer be enabled
  • The upgrade from IW7 to IW8 is, and will continue to be, an opt-in feature. Automated updates to IW8 will not occur until IW7 reaches EOL status. At this time, we do not have a date as to when IW7 will be considered EOL, but it will not be any time soon. Just as we did with IW6 and IW7, we will support both versions concurrently for some time. New features, however, will be developed for IW8

InterWorx 8 includes the following new features:

Other Notable Changes:

  • Horde is no longer a webmail option, as it does not support the new internal PHP version of PHP 8.2
  • Let’s Encrypt and AutoSSL are enabled automatically
  • Multiple PHP is now enabled automatically
  • Webalizer was removed as a statistics option, as it does not support EL9
  • Old file manager was removed, as it is not supported on EL8 or EL9

InterWorx 8 documentation can be found here: InterWorx — InterWorx documentation

If you have any questions or run into any issues, just submit a ticket to and we will be happy to help you.


Jenna Swisher
Friendly Neighborhood InterWorx Support Manager


Is beta enrollment necessary for EL9?


There is no “enrollment” for the beta.

However, as it states in the linked announcement post for EL9, only IW8 can be installed on EL9. We will not be providing EL9 support for IW7. EL9 support is also technically public beta. :slight_smile:


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is there any online demo InterWorx 8


No, at this time we do not have a clickable walkthrough like we do for IW7. I can give you a demo key if you’d like to try it on a test server–just submit a ticket. :slight_smile:


Any chance AlmaLinux’s ELevate will be supported in the future for in place upgrade of CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 9 and InterWorx 8?


No, there will not be any support for an in-place OS upgrade at all. The code, itself, for iworx is different in places between OS version.


thanks for the information

Thanks for the info, figured that this probably wouldn’t be supported. For now using TuxCare’s “CentOS 7 End of Life Extended Lifecycle Support”, until InterWorx 8 + EL 9 are no longer beta, then the migration fun is going to start :slight_smile:

If in place upgrade will not be possible…what can be done to improve the process to migrate?
Today SSL certificates work only after DNS has been adjusted. This means downtime for my customers as SSL is the standard. Also it takes a huge effort to migrate the domains. And after migration mail is still coming into the old server. Is there a process to get the latest email synced to the new server? So many questions to migrate without any/hardly any impact for my customers.

Can you please help in this?

Regards, Michel

Migrating in large volumes is always risky
Im not seeing your issue unless that’s your approach

I suggest lowering ur dns TTL on groups of Eg 10 at a time migrate in batches
It would be a nightmare to migrate Eg 150 siteworx accounts propegate only to find out there is issues to be manually corrected in each one
And always notify customers of pending server changes/upgrades at 4 weeks in advance

This I think is always best practice

What @GoGreenDomains says +

You can make a copy of the SSL certificates (Even the Let’s Encrypt ones) and import these, or just copy them over. I’m not sure if that already happens when creating a backup/do a mass migration, has been a while since I’ve done that, but manually, it is still possible, might be as simple as just doing an rsync of them, haven’t looked in to that yet. But regenerating new Let’s Encrypt Certs for all sites might also be a solution, it can probably be done with a bash script an the iworx cli, but also haven’t looked in to that yet.

If you want to/or are able to reuse the IP of the old server then go for that and you don’t need to do anything with DNS records. I see from my notes from migration CentOS 4 & 5 to CentOS 7 that I gave the new server the same IP as the old one, and deactivated the IP or interface on either the old or the new server while migrating, however you would need at least an additional IP on each server for the import.
Back then, in 2018, I did the migrations on the LAN, so I could just deactivate the external interface on the old server and gave the new server the same IP on the external interface. I did this to prevent new data coming in the old server (think mails, database changes etc). This involves some downtime, but it prevents a split brain, and doing it in the night, nobody cares about the downtime.

Regarding the mails, if you go with the above approach, the mail server isn’t available at all, which is a good! If it would be available it would be delivered in the old server during the migration and if you would have deleted the account and the mail server would still be available, then the sender is getting a delivery error.
It’s perfectly fine that the emails will not be delivered when the mailserver isn’t available. Most, if not all mail servers retry every couple hours to deliver those mails, for a couple of days. Since the downtime is less than that, it will be fine although people might receive mails a bit later, although if you do the migration during the night, nobody would probably have issues with that.

SSL certificates are not included in the back up but your exactly right about moving the IP address if that’s an option to you

I think back in 2019-2020 I was running off a few vps machines the provider I think was vpsserver they assisted me by moving the IP address most vps providers I think would but failing this
It all really comes down to planning
Look at requirements of all siteworx accounts
The bulk migration tool is really solid for this to migrate a few at a time in batches monitoring progress and so forth I think interworx team have done a great job with there bulk migration

IW8 includes a new migration tool that allows the ability to re-sync information after the initial import, so that everything is as up to date as possible before switching over the DNS.

At this time, there are a few known bugs for IW > IW imports, so we do not recommend its use right now (and it’s all beta right now, anyway), but that is something that will make it all a bit easier. :slight_smile: